Note: Please put 11:59 pm as the "Finish Time" if the program is ending at midnight.


Start Time:

Finish Time:

Total Hours:

Add Date

Name of Organization:

P.O Box/Street:

City, Province:

Postal Code:

Name of Contact:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

  • Total Fee: $

Please Review Before Submitting:

Facility Rental Guidelines
  • Applicant complete page 1 and submit to for review. GSSD staff will review requested information and confirm availability and cost. GSSD staff will then complete a caretaking estimate and submit total rental cost to the potential renter for signature.
  • A walk through with YRHS building operator must take place no less than 7 days prior to rental date.
  • Access to the Anne Portnuff Theatre will be available at 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on student days and 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on non-student days. Please note that these times may be subject to change and access outside of these times requires prior approval by the School Administrator and/or Facilities Manager.
  • The start time of your rental is the access time, and it must include any required allotment for set up. All participants must be out of the facility prior to the agreed upon finish time.
  • Use during summer vacation, holidays, or other vacation periods shall not conflict with building cleaning, and renovation programs and will depend on the availability of caretaking/cleaning personnel.
  • Renters will be provided with a key and a security code assigned to them to access the building. The key is to be returned to the YRHS Building Operator on the next school day after the rental period has expired.
  • In the event lighting and sound services are required, the Anne Portnuff Theatre has a contracted sound and lighting technician (MAD Tech Services). The estimated cost will be captured in Anne Portnuff Technician section of the cost schedule.
  • Food and drink are not allowed in the Anne Portnuff Theatre. Policing this is the responsibility of the renter. Maintenance or custodial surcharges may be assessed and charged to the renter in the event the renter fails to uphold this policy.
Administrative Procedure 547 - COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES
Administrative Procedure 547 - Community Use Of Schools Facilities


As a publicly funded organization and supporter of youth and community programs, the Division is prepared to make its schools and school grounds available for use by community or not-for-profit organizations, groups of staff members, and by partners in education on a regular or intermittent basis provided the rental or lease activity does not negatively impact upon the primary purpose of the Division's facilities - the education of students. High priority and favorable rental/lease rates will be given to youth-oriented groups while lower priority and higher rental/lease rates will apply to adult-oriented groups.

Rental/lease rates will be determined on an incremental cost basis, where incurred, for school, youth, and community programs and at or near full market rates for all other programs or uses. In general, the Division will not rent or lease facilities to commercial, profit-oriented entities or individuals or to groups for private social parties. Facilities surplus to the Division's educational needs may be rented or leased at a rate designed to at least recover the Division's operating costs or, if possible, at full market rates commensurate with the age and condition of the facility being leased or rented.

  1. Liability: The renter shall indemnify and save harmless the Division from all liabilities, damages, costs, claims, suits, or actions arising from:
    • 1.1

      any damage to the property howsoever occasioned by the use and occupation of the premises; or
    • 1.2

      any injury to any person or persons, including death resulting at any time therefrom, occurring in or about the premises or any part thereof or resulting from the use and occupation of the premises during the term of this rental agreement from any cause whatsoever.
    Insurance: Without limiting the generality of the renter's promise in the paragraph above, it is recommended that the renter maintain during the term of occupation of the rented premises, comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount not less than $2,000,000. Good Spirit School Division reserves the right to require proof of insurance where planned activities are deemed to be risky by the principal and/or Facilities manager.

  2. Under the general supervision of the Chief Financial Officer, the Facilities Manager is responsible for facility rentals and leases. Rental rates are defined in detail in the appendix to this administrative procedure.
    Since the requests for lease or rental of Division facilities vary widely in nature, the Chief Financial Officer or designate has discretionary power in dealing with unusual circumstances where these procedures may not apply.

  3. The principal of the school will carry out the scheduling of community activities in consultation with the School Community Councils.
    • 3.1

      School activities shall have priority when scheduling community use of school facilities activities, subject to procedure
    • 3.2

      Under normal circumstances, a scheduled community use of school facilities activity shall not be cancelled to allow a school-related activity unless forty-eight hours’ notice has been given to the appropriate contact person. The requirement for forty-eight hours’ notice shall be waived in emergent situations.
    • 3.3

      Cancellation of a community use of school activity shall be communicated to the principal forty-eight hours before the time the activity was scheduled, wherever possible.
    • 3.4

      All community use of school facilities activities shall be conducted in those areas specified by the principal.
    • 3.5

      All community use of school facilities activities shall be concluded by 10:00 p.m. unless the principal or Facilities Manager has approved prior arrangements.
  4. Community use of school activities will be supervised by the sponsors of the activities in a manner acceptable to the principal of the school.
    • 4.1

      Sponsors of the community use activity scheduled into a school facility shall submit the name(s) of supervising personnel to the principal.
  5. When damage to school facilities, furniture and or equipment occurs as a result of community use of school activities, the cost of repair or replacement will be the responsibility of the sponsors of the activity.
    • 5.1

      The principal shall be responsible for the collection of the cost of repair or replacement due to damage as a result of community use of school facilities for items covered by any budget under the control and responsibility of the school.
    • 5.2

      The Facilities Manager shall be responsible for the collection of the cost of repair or replacement due to damage as a result of community use of school facilities for items covered by the Facilities budget.
Reference: Section 85, 87, 108, 109, 110, 343,
Forms Manual: Form 547-1

Updated: September 2006, January 2010
Reviewed: August 2015, April 2018

*Please review the facility rental guidelines above!

*Please review the Administrative Procedure above!

Non-Profit Organization/Charities
Name Per Hour (min of 3) All Day
Anne Portnuff Theatre
Barry Sharpe Foyer
Commercial Kitchen

Other Organization/Commercial
Name Per Hour (min of 3) All Day
Anne Portnuff Theatre
Barry Sharpe Foyer
Commercial Kitchen

Other Fees

Name Fee
Contracted Sound/Lighting Technician
Adjudicator Platform
Pit Opening or Stage alter to ground level